Don’t overlook a Langley star out of loyalty for one who has served


Because I know Peter Morton from my experience working with him behind the scenes in support of a South Whidbey nonprofit serving children and families, I strongly endorse him for Langley City Council. This is not to disparage his opponent, who has given his time and effort to our South Whidbey communities. Certainly Thomas Gill’s contributions to Langley will be welcomed in many ways over the years. But, this is to say that we have the immediate opportunity to gain a unique perspective from one of our community’s elders that we shouldn’t squander. Peter Morton is one of the most steady, committed, thoughtful, kind, and brilliant people I have ever known.

Peter’s skills, strengthened over a long career at Boeing, include the abilities to research, analyze, plan and implement large-scale projects. His intellectual abilities matter. His ability to learn and comprehend the complexities of a situation are key to community leadership. His work in human resources demanded the ability to listen to all individual and organizational sides of an issue, then research and understand the appropriate legal information, and finally make important policy decisions. His integrity and desire to truly understand all sides of an issue is core, and I believe this is what motivated him to join the city council race. He wants to give to his community, and wants his community to reflect the values of the United States democracy he holds dear.

While Mr. Gill’s lifelong residency in this community is valuable, and his civic contributions are noteworthy, they are not reason enough to pass up this opportunity to benefit from the wisdom and energy of a man like Peter Morton. Don’t overlook a star like Peter in favor of staying loyal to someone who has served. Peter’s decision to serve is a gift to our community that should be embraced!

