Letter: Forget the wall, get Trump to testify while under oath


When will Donald Trump be forced to testify under oath?

Bill Clinton was held accountable for one lie about adultery.

We now know that Trump lied while he was president about paying hush money to porn stars during his campaign. He’s never hidden his unsavory attitude about marriage and women.

He blatantly lied about his mega million dollar attempted business dealings with our enemy Russia, the very country accused of rigging the election and helping him become president.

Now, he’s holding the federal government budget hostage so he can fuel his base promise of the border wall.

Indeed, the true national emergency is the despot himself.

The “disaster” we face are his tweets, Russian and alt right postings on social media, conspiracy theories and use of the phrase “fake news.”

This has become politics as usual. Corruption and deceit has been normalized.

How long can we endure his policies which defy overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change? Everything logical has been cast aside.

Forget the wall. Get him to testify under oath. If the Senate won’t vote for this, then they are as corrupt as he is. Our own political system is imploding under the weight of one man.

Joan Govedare
