Letter: Racicot brings experience, leadership to school board


I both listened to and explored the websites of both school board Position 3 candidates. I love Brook’s energy and enthusiasm, however his focus on building community and improving communication are not, in my understanding, things that fall to the school board to act upon, but rather are details of running the district. Boards make policy decisions as a group not as individuals, nor do they decide on classes offered or how to best utilize community talent. I see much more potential for his vision via a volunteer, advisor or other advocate.

On the other hand, Linda Racicot provides the gift of experience not only on the board but also as a retired teacher in our district, as a parent of former students and as a grandparent to current students. She knows the job and has worked with the district to focus on challenges and explore what is best for the success of all students. She is well versed on the issues and needs of our unique, and not so unique, community. With several younger board members already serving, I think Linda helps bring experience and leadership that is extremely valuable to the group. I hope you will join me in voting for Linda Racicot for school board in November. www.racicotforschoolboard.com

Shelly Ackerman
