LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Syria is about establishing a natural gas pipeline


During WWll the US lost just under one-half million people. Germany lost 8.5 million. Russia, however, lost 27 million breaking the back of the Nazi juggernaut. Millions of Americans are alive today because of the Russian sacrifice.

My father may have died in Normandy had he fought the full might of the German Army. I can understand Russia being paranoid about NATO — now — putting missiles on their border that can reach Moscow in 17 minutes. Neoconservatives have been running our foreign policy ever since they came in during Bill Clinton’s administration. They are the shadow government that stays in place while presidents come and go. Syria is all about establishing a natural gas pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Europe to make billions of dollars while achieving the neocon goal of limiting Russian influence on Europe.

Please email all of their reps and tell them to get out of Syria. The only leverage we have is that they all want to stay elected. If your email has no effect, then at least you can tell Saint Peter that you did that much.

