Letter: When nature is unbalanced, it leads to animal attacks


June 5: “Deer kills dog, attacks people,” “Island-hopping [amorous black bear] returned to wild.”

June 8: “Cat killed as deer continues onslaught.” “…woman on Beaver Creek Lane in Clinton reported firing a gun at a puma in her backyard.”

A few weeks ago a doe parked her fawn next to our house in Freeland. In three and a half years — when deer reach maturity — will she let us live, or stomp us?

We all love nature.

Do not forget that the English poet Tennyson wrote: “Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw …” to warn us that nature sometimes loves us for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The natural balance is out of whack. Too many deer. Too few wolves, bears and pumas.

Homo sapiens do not share well. Nature always gets the last laugh.

Stephen Kahn
