Secular law says woman has the right to choose


As I have since come to understand the dynamic, life begins with the first breath of air. That is when the child becomes the independent, living being. It is on the first breath that soul and celestial components take residence within the body; the first breath brings life and grounds the spirit, the spark of life. This first breath establishes the celestial and physical relationship of the life in question.

Abortion has existed throughout history. History of our civilization shows that women will abort a pregnancy for any number of reasons. They give the issuance much thought.

It is not a willy-nilly decision. The decision is made knowing the prospective mother must live in this society. They must survive, thrive and create a life, family and community within this world.

Those who choose abortion live by our laws and do as the laws allow. In many cases they finish their childhood and transition out of the home to become learned in the ways of commerce, emotion, gratitude and living in general.

They decide to approach the future with the power of education parental love and support, and experience a healthy mind and body.

In our American society, we see much argument for referring to conception as the start of life and the need to protect that life. Yet, as the fetus is born and becomes a child we are seeing diminished support from our government and society in general, to feed, educate and care for the child. Indeed, current events and policies from our current government signal reduced care for children, seniors, critically ill and destitute.

We are a secular society and country. Until we have a society that cherishes life at all stages, or unless we are a theocracy, the decision to bring a fetus to term, and into life upon birth, is the lawful decision of the women concerned.

Life begins at the first breath. Roe v. Wade protects the woman’s right and brings safe, clinical and legal care to women for the first time.

It is the law of the land and for a secular society, must stay in effect.

Wayne Cesaro
