Vote for Korrow, Emerson and Morton


As a Langley business owner for 30 years, I wholeheartedly endorse Peter Morton as a candidate for Langley City Council. Peter is whip-smart and passionate about this town. He listens to all sides with respect and has the wisdom and courage to make good decisions under pressure and to communicate about those clearly. I’m impressed with Peter’s strong commitment to finally doing something about Langley’s affordable housing problem; if anyone can make a dent on that, it’s Peter. I particularly like the strong importance Peter puts on the restoration of civility and honesty to our civic dialogue — two elements that got lost in last spring’s battles over inclusive city status. If elected, Peter will answer to no group or faction. He will be his own man and I totally trust that his actions and decisions will serve Langley well.

I’m in Langley all day, every day, but can’t vote here since I moved out into the woods. So, I urge those who can vote to also choose Christy Korrow and Dominique Emerson for council seats.

Last spring we saw that Langley, a city that in 2016 voted 80 percent Democratic, is led by a City government that’s conservative, fearful, insular, and doesn’t share the majority’s vision of progress and possibilities. This town we love needs a government — mayor and council — that represents the vision and priorities of the people who live and work here. Voting for candidates just because they’re pleasant campaigners and willing to do the job, turned out to have negative consequences. With Morton and Korrow joining Emerson on the council, there will be a progressive majority. For substantive change, vote for all three. Two won’t do.

