WEAN helped Saratoga too


It is great that several groups are now honored by a plaque for their role in saving the Saratoga Woods (SWR, 10/22/16). Another group whose efforts were key in the saving of the woods was the Whidbey Environmental Action Network (WEAN).

WEAN, along with Save the Woods on Saratoga, spearheaded the legal challenge that stopped the initial proposal to build a 137-home subdivision on the property. When that proposal was rejected, the developers proposed a hotel/resort with 72 “guest cottages” and parking for 450 cars.

Again, WEAN and Save the Woods prevented this inappropriate development. The developers later applied for a permit to log, but indicated that they intended to develop in the near future. WEAN urged the Department of Natural Resources not to issue the permit. In this case, as in many others, WEAN’s legal work laid the foundation for the preservation of a beautiful area on the island.

