We’re all passengers of the ship called Earth, so relax and enjoy the ride


This letter is in response to Mr. Howard’s July 21 letter to the editor, “Yes, the sky is falling and the ice is really melting.”

Well, Mr. Howard, I am not one of those “on-the-take politicians” mentioned in your letter. I am just a card carrying taxpayer who can recognize another possible “swindle” as it comes rolling down the pike.

To begin, who are these “97 percent” of scientists of whom you speak? They never seem to have names. They mention many organizations like NASA but no scientists? Let me hear from a real reputable scientist. What is his discipline? Is he a geologist? An archaeologist or maybe a historian or maybe even a philosopher or a psychologist or even a retired politician? Let him step forward and be heard. We might like to hear what he has to say first hand and see which side his bread is buttered on.

There is no quest that we, the passengers on this space ship called Earth are concerned about its care and cleaning and of fresh air to breathe while on our ride, but these claims of catastrophic dangers that we are told we are facing are just too fanciful to believe. The problem is that though there are voices out there who question the hazards that we are supposedly facing, the speakers are drowned out by the “believers” who belittle them and accuse them of being the forces of on-the-take politicians. That’s particularly true when the believers themselves contain a goodly number of those on-the-take politicians too.

So, what’s going on? It sounds like more of a political power struggle than concern for the fate of our space ship, a rock that has been spinning through space for many billions of years and looks to be good for many more. Despite this history, there are these who claim that they know of a way of influencing or changing the rocks condition or composition. Such hubris! Any change or alteration of our rock is strictly up to the rock. We don’t toot the horn or ring the bell. We are, after all, just passengers.

So relax and enjoy the ride.

