About Anne Chambers | HOMETOWN HERO

Some biographical information on Anne Chambers, a South Whidbey Hometown Hero.

About Anne Chambers

Name: Anne Carol Chambers.

Birth date: Jan. 19, 1940.

Birth place: Scottsdale, Arizona.

Siblings: Three.

School: Polytechnic Riverside, Calif.

Children: Shawn, 50; Laura, 46; Aaron, 44.

Grandchildren: Jonathan, Jessica, Cameron, Ethan and Claire.

Occupations: Veterinary tech, testing horses for drugs at LongAcres, Animal Studies at University.

Years on Whidbey: 15.

Hobbies: Horsemanship, all animals, tutoring kids, watching tractor pulls.

Personal side of Chambers

Is there a question you would like to ask God?

“Yes, why are there so many (expletives) in this world”?

What is a good attitude to live our lives by?

“As if we all have a very short time to live; don’t wait to act on your kind acts towards others.”

What is something you would like to invent?

“A machine like an MRI where you go in when you’re seriously ill or hurt, and you come out the other end all healed.”

Advice for others?

“Always be honest; if your word cannot be relied on, what do you have?” And, “there is a lot of BS in the world — don’t be part of it.”

What is something we all have to deal with in people?

“It’s part of life that we all have to co-exist with annoying people; just expect it, we cannot get away from it. In some cases we are the annoying people for others.