Audubon hosts Whidbey bird class

Enrollment is open for the Birds of Whidbey series of classes by the Whidbey Audubon Society.

Enrollment is open for the Birds of Whidbey series of classes by the Whidbey Audubon Society.

Classes are the first and third Thursday evenings of each month, beginning Sept. 5 and ending in May 2014. The course will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Whidbey General Hospital in Conference Room A.

A follow-up field trip will take place once a month on a Saturday morning. Mike Stropki and Ruth Scrivner are co-hosting the course.

The fee is $150 for Whidbey Audubon Society members and $175 for non-members.

The fee includes a notebook with information about all the birds on Whidbey. To register, contact Stropki at or 817-891-1994, or Scrivner at or 360-679-0397.

To become an Audubon Society member, visit

The Birds of Whidbey Class of 2012 – 2013 completed the course in May with a final field trip and potluck. Seventeen residents of Whidbey Island are now more knowledgeable about local birds and the best birding areas. From all habitats and seasons, the students were presented with excellent photos and informative lectures by some of Whidbey Audubon’s best birders who shared their passion.