Letter: Banning books, words is unAmerican


What is happening in our country? Banning books that have been loved and on our shelves for years. Now “they” are the GOP, want to ban words? Where will it end? Are they trying to turn us into Russia or North Korea? Do they want to imprison people ala Putin who speak and act freely? Do they want to force people who might be different back into a closet of fear and shame for being only what they are?

We are the country of liberty, welcoming all who want to come, accepting our differences, of free speech, free thought. What will happen to these bedrocks of our democracy? Who are these men that want to dominate and control, even our words? Most Americans are proud of this country and what it represents. I doubt any of us, who really thought about it, would want to go back to the repressive past.

When I was a child I wanted to read and see all I could get my hands on, it did not hurt me one bit, but probably made me a more accepting person. What would happen to a curious child if these repressive men get their way? Would children have to go to a committee if they wanted to read a book, see a movie, or even express a thought? Unthinkable, unacceptable, down right stupid.

We have a wonderful experiment here in America and we can’t let a few fearful men turn us into a Russia wannabe. It could happen, if we don’t pay attention. Then we might be turned into immigrants fleeing our country because we used a word or read a book. No one person or even group of people deserve that kind of power over all of us. I hope our fellow citizens will wake up and vote these deplorable ideas down.

Nancy Mayer
