Letter: ‘Best of luck’ to writer who dismisses masks


Congratulations to Mr. Wilferth for being such an expert in epidemiology (Aug. 14 letter to the editor). His conclusion of how difficult it is for his granddaughter to wear a mask must justify his reasons for avoiding a simple precaution.

Mr. Wilferth doesn’t believe that there is massive amounts of data indicating that the Delta virus is spreading and increasing among young people and children. Mr. Wilferth must be able to refute the symptoms of people dying of Covid.

I am sure he has observed the people who have been ventilated, are struggling for breath, who have widespread organ failure and are approaching death without any loved ones nearby to comfort their last moments on earth.

Have you observed patients dying, Mr. Wilferth? You must be a staunch believer in right wing media, and conspiracy hacks because you know that your right to not wear a mask or to refuse or disparage vaccinations is more important than spreading the virus to others and getting back our economy.

Mr. Wilferth is such a scientific expert that he is fully aware that a continuation of the virus among the population who refuses masks and vaccinations makes the virus mutate and grow stronger. But, instead Mr. Wilferth explains how germs spread in the masks so advises people to worry about the mask contamination, never mind the lethal virus.

No worry though. Mr. Wilferth can always listen to the real experts on the internet and the former president rather than to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the study and cures for viruses. Science isn’t everything, right?

But, Mr. Wilferth what ailment do you experience as a grandfather — arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, colitis, emphysema, maybe? Surely hope you don’t need the advice of any of these medical “quacks” because you don’t believe in your doctors, your medicines, or any other therapy.

Well, best of luck. If you do contract the Covid virus, you can always contact Fox News, Tucker Carlson, or Hannity to see what they recommend as the best treatment. Bleach didn’t work. And, you might want to check the bed availability in the hospital before you have a serious diagnosis which might require admission. Beds are in short supply due to the overwhelming admissions of Covid patient to the ICU but, no worry. There is always a hallway near the EMS or a parking lot tent.

Paulette Becker, RN, MSN
