Letter: Biden signed law that saved the U.S. postal service


It appears that our most sacred governmental service has been rescued from attempts to destroy it. President Biden has reportedly signed a Postal Service Reform Act that restores it at least for the time being.

If the Trump Administration’s disguised efforts to drain the most basic essence of Americana had succeeded, elections would indeed be stolen.

Fortunately we who depend on mailed medications as well as election ballots and their honest counting can rest easier until the next corrupt scheme comes along.

Nothing has been more uniting, respected, dependable, comprehensive, far reaching into obscure environs, trustworthy, disciplined, and for so long, as our very own Postal Service.

With a pen stroke President Biden has rescued us from tyranny like we saw on January 6th or now seeing in Ukraine.

Long live the Pony Express and its legacy.

Al Williams

Oak Harbor