Letter: Bristles when he puts on mask to go into store


I noticed on the heading of your Opinion page the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That so many people seem to dislike that document and have put into public office like-minded dissenters they should be reminded that the reason for the Bill of Rights was to protect the common man from the government.

Currently, in this state, the First Amendment has been subverted by a governor bloated with his own ego, drunk with the power he usurped from the people and who demands compliance to his unlawful orders.

I bristle every time I put on a mask to go into a store, not because I wouldn’t wear one if asked to by the store owner, I would, but because it reeks of desperation by a petty functionary who wants to be seen as doing something.

If Gov. Jay Inslee and his ilk were to lose what he is asking others to lose, he would be finding other ways to deal with the pandemic.

It is past time for the populace to just say no. Do what you need to do to protect yourself but start living like the people who gave us the Bill of Rights, and not the sheep as the governor wants.

Fred Wilferth
