Letter: Change is needed, from the top down


The death of George Floyd would never have been seen if not for a young girl with a cell phone.

This video awoke the public to the abuse of some police, abuse that has gone on for years, decades, seems like forever.

Rogue police do not like being called out, but the cat is now out of the bag. Accountability, reform and removal is what we need. It is disgraceful to see how the protests were being handled, consequently the outrage only increased. Words of change are great but real change must happen.

How many deaths must we witness before power gets it? One senseless death is too much, and not acceptable. Too much money seems to always go to the top small percent, as was seen with the response to corona virus, as many people were out of work, food, and resources, and still are.

Those funds, that go to the top should instead go into poor communities to fund education, health care and jobs. The rich are doing just fine.

We need this change, from the top down. Hope springs eternal, we will never give up.

Nancy Mayer
