Letter: City leaders rely on public input to decide issues


I appreciated Peggy Shekem’s comments regarding the airport on the recent “Sound Off.” One of our main functions as council members is to represent those in our community. The way we do that most effectively is by receiving feedback from those we represent. However, it is imperative we receive that feedback through the most effective channels, and more importantly before the decisions are made.

Regarding the airport, we received only one public comment via email. The day of the final vote we had an almost packed council chamber. Of those that attended seven individuals spoke. Only one – the private party trying to purchase the airport, spoke against the city supporting the endeavor. All other public feedback we received was overwhelmingly for it.

I would absolutely love for us to have a full council chamber every meeting with community members looking us in the eye and providing comment on all the issues as they arise. However, I understand that is not feasible for everyone. The next best thing would be to take a moment to view the agenda ahead of time and email in with a public comment. In addition, I encourage those who want a little more information on issues to reach out to council members directly.

For those wanting to know when an issue is coming up, the City of Oak Harbor has the option to email out the agenda ahead of time. Simply go to www.oakharbor.gov. On the homepage click “Notify Me” and choose agendas you would like to receive.

By hearing from members in our community and having a back-and-forth dialogue before a vote is taken on an issue, we can work together to move our community forward.

Bryan Stucky


City of Oak Harbor