Letter: Failure to support conversion therapy ban morally wrong


The Washington state Legislature recently passed a ban on conversion therapy for minors under aged 18, but all three of our Republican representatives — Sen. Barbara Bailey, and Representatives Dave Hayes and Norma Smith voted against the ban.

Why? Conversion therapy is the practice of trying to change an individual’s orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological or spiritual interventions.

The American Medical Association, American Psycholog-ical Association and American Psychiatric Association agree conversion therapy is ineffective and harmful to those who experience it.

I have practiced family counseling on South Whidbey for 20 years, and I have witnessed firsthand the heartache that many teens and their families experience when dealing with their sexual identity.

Young people under age 18 should be protected from coercion. Smith, Hayes and Bailey did not support the ban. They were wrong.

Judith Arnett, MS, LMFT
