Letter: Hazelo TV commercial appalling, a gauge of where GOP is today


This letter calls out Tim Hazelo, candidate for U.S. Congress in the Second District, for his outrageous television commercial asserting that Democrats support Jim Crow and the KKK.

I assume this is some vague reference to southern Democrats after the Civil War, some 150 years ago, many of whom supported the Confederacy.

Really, Mr. Hazelo? Really?

It’s common knowledge that, since the Great Depression, the Democrats have staunchly supported equal opportunity and equal justice for all. We are the people’s party, as evidenced by the fact that in the last seven presidential elections, the Republicans have won the popular vote only once. Someday we’ll do away with the Electoral College, and that will be the end of the Republican Party.

Either that or national vote by mail.

For Mr. Hazelo, a Republican, to run this type of television commercial in 2020, a commercial that shows old Black men being “Jim Crowed,” is appalling, abhorrent and a good gauge of where the Republican party is today.

Absolutely vulgar.

Steven V. Horton
