Letter: Let’s do something besides throw rocks at one another


What’s the fuss about equity? Mr. Meyers letter to the editor about “equity narrative” certainly expressed his anger, but it distracted from the issue.

My daughter is tired of being treated differently because of her race. She didn’t choose her color any more than he chose his. And yes, she’s angry. She’s joined with hundreds of thousands of people all over the country, “all over the world,” in mostly peaceful protests to highlight systemic racial issues.

Mr. Meyers equates this with the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” during which the people would change the government by force because they didn’t win the election. Key words of “Antifa” and “murder” were thrown in to highlight his point.

Fortunately, the Whidbey News-Times editor took the time to check out his accusations against the “black woman” elected vice president. We have a lot to talk about when we can drop the innuendos.

Let’s do something about our cultural problems besides throw rocks at one another. The minority is hardly silenced no matter what we call our democracy.

Daniel Goldsmith
