Letter: Liberals are just as guilty of censorship


I absolutely agree with Ms. Mayer (March 23 letter). Books, words, periodicals and electronic means of communication should not be banned. That being said, it is sad that because she references only Republicans as the offenders, it took her so long to come to what we on the right have said all along.

Note that we did not prevent the Hunter Biden story from being published, or pressure publishing houses not to publish conservative books. We didn’t list words as offensive and bar their use. Ask any Cleveland or DC sports fan who loved their teams what they think of the “woke” movement. Schools, libraries, streets and all sorts of objects can no longer be named for someone if they don’t measure up to today’s ideological mores. The left is destroying the language, but when someone points out the obvious they are labeled as racist, right-wing radicals, or worse.

Social media has a slanted set of rules that bans one president and Fox News from their sites, but gives Leftist talking points unfettered access.

So thank you for your “Come to Jesus” moment. Please apply it to everyone.

Fred Wilferth
