Letter: Local volunteers are not involved in phone scam


No scam.

When a race between two candidates is close, it is a common practice for both political parties to visit voters whose ballot signatures were missing or questionable.

On Nov. 14, I and a group of others called and visited those voters on South Whidbey to make sure that they had received the form from the county elections office to verify their signatures. We did not ask voters for their Social Security numbers, but if the voters had no recollection of receiving a form, we asked them if they would like to fill out a signature update form (which asks for date of birth and signature) to be turned over to the county elections office – or the voters could simply take the form and mail it in themselves.

Our goal was to make sure that every vote was counted. All of the people that I met were grateful to have us contact them. I do not like to think that any of the gracious people that we spoke to might now think that they were being scammed.

Linda Bainbridge
