Letter: Maybe you feel great, but you can still be contagious


I’m glad to see more and more people following the 6-foot social distancing rule while waiting in line in grocery stores.

However, I have seen many who don’t follow that once they’re shopping. For example, a lady yesterday leaned past my husband to get something off the shelf, and as she did so, she politely said, “excuse me,” but then added, “I’m not sick, trust me.”

What she failed to take into account, for both her and my husband, is that she or he could have been infected days ago, now be spreading it, and still not show any symptoms. Or have it, never have symptoms and still spread it.

That is the danger of this pandemic: you can spread it and not know it.

So please, “don’t stand, don’t stand, don’t stand so close to me,” or others.

You could be saving a life.

JoAnn Hellmann

Oak Harbor