Letter: ‘Neanderthal’ with sign is a sweet man with sense of humor


In regard to Todd Adams March 5 letter about a no trespassing sign: He and his wife walk along Millman Road and say “hi” to two horses on private property. I am familiar with that property and those horses and know they have been trained at great expense to understand Neanderthal. Anything else spoken would cause severe trauma to those horses and as a result they would be sent to Northern Idaho for therapy. Please Mr. Adams, refrain from speaking to them. Thank you for your cooperation.

Also, the pathetic Neanderthal property owner you referred to is my son. He is a South Whidbey High School graduate, college graduate, licensed marine engineer, unlimited horsepower, (really big boats) and owner/operator of an Alaskan commercial fishing vessel. We have many relatives and friends in the great state of Alaska. Locally, his great great uncle Harry Dines was cofounder and past president of the Holmes Harbor Rod and Gun Club. That’s where members shoot targets with their firearms, hence the mention on the no-trespassing sign and the tractor is a John Deere.

My son is kind, sweet with a terrific sense of humor and awesome dad to my grandkids. We are proud of our Neanderthal heritage which can be traced back centuries to Neanderthalia district in Northern Norway. Enjoy your walks Mr. Adams. Regards, Grandma Neanderthal.

Lori Hansen
