Letter: Passing school bond measure would be a blunder


After reading the $429 million school project I’m beginning to wonder who or what is running Oak Harbor; oops, I meant ruining it. But now I’m pretty sure it’s the Oak Harbor school board. They seem to get whatever they want year after year.

Do any of these people, the mayor, the city council or board members ever use their brains if they have any, or let their consciences be their guide when it comes to raising taxes?

We are dealing with COVID-19, high inflation, loss of many jobs, homelessness, and low wages, if you can find a job. And over the years this budget will all but destroy Oak Harbor. Unemployment will force people to sell their homes and relocate to a more reasonable place to live. If you do not own any property, then once again folks with no children in the system will be forced to foot the bill. Sounds perfectly fair to me.

I know $1,000 a year isn’t much to city officials, but to low income families it will present many financial problems. Is this what you really want? How did you people ever get elected? Probably the same way Joe Biden did.

We are still paying taxes for all the wasteful projects of the past few years and will still be doing so for many years into the future. Now you want to burden taxpayers for another twenty years or more. Very fair if you don’t care.

Do the board members realize that in 20 years a lot of our senior citizens will no longer be with us leaving a massive debt for the next generation if they are foolish enough to remain in Oak Harbor? Is this how you want older folks to spend their remaining years paying off the massive debt created by your massive stupid blunders?

Say no to this idiotic project and do not let the school board take over this city.

Richard Ays

Oak Harbor