Letter: Racism exists, but doesn’t represent entire community


Regarding Michael King’s letter to the editor supporting Critical Race Theory, he may be proud to be an Oak Harbor’s defender of CRT, but he is obviously looking at the world through fascist race-colored glasses.

The residents of Oak Harbor should be embarrassed.

CRT is an insult to minorities. It implies that they are not capable of being successful or of reaching their full potential due to so-called oppression and “white rage,” whatever that is. CRT divides people into groups based on the color of their skin. That in itself is racist.

People like Mr. King have preconceived ideas about the actions of other people. He no doubt sees ordinary everyday events as racist. This renders him unable to realize our country in not systemically racist.

Racism does exist. I have known racists, but they are not representative of the general population.

I had a long career working with people of all races. I hired a very capable woman as my secretary, she was, incidentally, Black skinned and highly sought after by others in the company.

I had other Black employees working for me and as peers, all members of management. Never once did I observe them subjected to racism. Many of them were lauded by their employees and managers for their capabilities.

I personally have had many minority friends. One of my sons has a close friend that just happens to be Black.

You could not meet a finer person. Most Black Americans are just ordinary people. Many are exceptional people.

Most Americans could care less about the color of a person’s skin. They judge people by their character and their behavior.

Mr. King obviously has not seen the many Black Americans from around the country that are speaking out against CRT. He must be watching faux news or he would know how vehemently they despise CRT, especially when taught at school to their children. They are openly challenging local school boards for doing it.

CRT is a Marxist Socialist program designed to promote racism, not to eliminate it, and to divide us as a country. Any person supporting it is simply misinformed or deliberately trying to foment divide in our country. Its teaching should be banned from our schools, businesses, and government.

There is no place in a free and all inclusive America for this kind of nonsense.

Bill Merrill
