Letter: Regardless of the party, the other will cry ‘foul’


This is partially in response to the letter by Ed Hickey.

I’ll be right up front. I disliked Trump before he ever ran for office and most of the time I turn off the TV or leave the room when he’s on.

That being said, it doesn’t matter which party is in office. Now it is the Republicans and the Democrats are raising a big stink. If it was reversed and Democrats were in office, then the Republicans would be the ones crying foul. Personally, I get tired of hearing our “president” unable to open his mouth without calling people derogatory names, unable to speak in complete sentences, and alienating our allies just for starters.

Name calling and telling the people of this nation that they won’t get any government help unless they treat him nice is not the sign of a leader for the people, it’s the sign of a leader for his ego. No one is ever going to be able to please all of the people but this man is doing severe damage to this country.

Is Biden the answer, probably not, but maybe he will be able to help reunite this country and give both parties time to find someone more suitable for the next election.

Let’s stop the name calling and finger pointing and concentrate on finding a candidate who is for all people and who is more concerned about our country and climate than his or her ego and wallet.

David Frost
