Letter: Sign stealers are not accomplishing anything


It has come to my attention that small fractions of Americans seem to want to waste valuable time and effort vandalizing the signs of noise whiners instead of being face forward, fighting in the chambers of the Island County Commissioners, the Washington State Board of Health and the ACHP hearings in Coupeville when only three patriots were face forward bringing the “Spirit of OLF” where it truly mattered last December.

Unless a U.S. Naval aviator would like to correct me, genuine moral courage in defense of America’s OLF is going downrange to Coupeville High School, standing up to the ACHP’s thuggish bureaucrat and an extremely entitled former Boeing executive to defend the First Amendment’s freedom of the press. Tearing down a COER sign is the act of a wimp. Courage to present our beliefs and truths in bold colors is what is necessary to win the peace and hold COER and their pals like Kristen “Someone Should Do Something” Griffin accountable.

In my blunt opinion, my fellow Americans have failed to keep the faith in much worse ways than pathetic noise whiner signs flying Old Glory when they should be flying a flag of confederacy. The list is for another time with a common theme of how we Americans have turned meek in defending and upholding what are supposed to be our values.

One last thing let me be clear to the COER: Please do not wrap yourselves in America’s flag and co-opt America’s public servants if you are unable to accept the federal government big enough to create Ebey’s Reserve eleven years after the beginning of continuous jet use in 1967 is certainly big enough to… take Ebey’s Reserve away under a doctor’s direction and for national defense due to health concerns and the length of time it would take for a second Environmental Impact Study.

I hope this reality gives COER members and pals strategic pause and I hear it’s a seller’s market right now. Please leave my NAS Whidbey Island heroes and Ebey’s Reserve alone. You have made your mark on our shared history. Thank you.

Joe Kunzler
