Letter: St. Clair is the right choice


The differences between the two candidates for Island Country commissioner District 3 could not be more stark, and the choice could not be more clear. The incumbent, Janet St. Clair, is an intelligent, extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and accomplished advocate for Island County. During her first term she was responsible for a series of notable achievements and has identified clear policy priorities, including strengthening our local broadband infrastructure, championing working families, protecting our forests, maintaining open spaces, and encouraging sustainable development.

Her opponent, Tim Hazelo, seems to be somewhat less well-informed and less accomplished. Indeed his principal “achievement” seems to be convincing a meeting of Republican precinct committee officers to adopt a ludicrous resolution rejecting the results of the last presidential election, thereby rejecting the will of the American people. But this resolution is not the only example of what I consider to be Mr. Hazelo’s poor judgment. During his recent disastrous run for congress it was reported that he held meetings without a permit, violated public health guidelines, and put people at risk. Sen. Ron Muzzall R- Oak Harbor called him “a bull in a China shop.” Despite overwhelming scientific evidence, Mr. Hazelo believes climate change is a hoax. He admits that he knows little about the position of commissioner or the challenges facing the county, but he has promised to read something if he is elected. One hopes he has the time considering the fact that he doesn’t plan to give up his other job.

To sum up, on the one hand we have Tim Hazelo, who seems to be an irresponsible, ill-informed, extremist who has little more to offer than another tiresome volley in our unending culture wars, and on the other hand we have the incumbent Janet St. Clair, a dedicated public servant with a proven record of achievement, an understanding of the challenges ahead, and concrete plans to address them. The choice is crystal clear. For the sake of our county, please support the reelection of Janet St. Clair.

Dr. Bernd Fischer

Oak Harbor