Letter: Tantamount to fake wrestling, the kind with bad hair


This is a response to a letter by Edward Drum, who longs metaphysically for the deep insights of Rush Limbaugh, equating him with the makers of the modern world, and no less than a political conduit to God, protecting our constitutional rights.

What, what, what, what?

Extolling Trump’s awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the same one bestowed upon Rosa Parks, Will and Ariel Durant, Martin Luther King Junior, Caesar Chavez, John Kenneth Galbraith and Bruce Catton?

This is tantamount to fake, big-time professional wrestling, the kind you see on TV with frighteningly large men full of steroids and bad hairdos.

Here, we have Trump and Moscow Mitch in large bellies and tights, and Mitt Romney sitting home on his pristine white couch, longing for the days when Republicans screwed them with class.

Steven V. Horton
