Letter: Vote the minute you get your ballot, wear a mask, have faith


There is nothing hidden anymore. Trump has said it out loud. He will not fund the postal service.

This is leadership? I think not. He has fired people, cut overtime pay, destroyed sorters — imagine destroying equipment that may be needed in the future — taken away drop boxes, leaving in some places only one in a county.

The Republicans have always tried to suppress the vote, but this is outrageous. How dare he interfere with our right to vote.

That is a sacred right and should never be messed with.

Cheating to win an election, really, is that the way you want to win? Maybe Trump should be spending his golf time on mitigating the virus or helping people who have lost their job and can’t get another or on the economy, besides just saying, wrongly, all businesses should be open. Maybe pass a stimulus bill so people don’t have to sit in food bank lines for hours.

There are many things that Trump could be doing. Maybe he is afraid if he is voted out he may be indicted for so many offenses.

Even with all the uncertainty we can still do our part by filling out the ballot as soon as it arrives and taking it immediately to a drop box or the post office. Don’t wait for the last day. please.

We must use our collective voice, vote the minute you get the ballot, wear a mask, have faith, we will survive Donald J. Trump.

Nancy Meyer
