Letter: When did the Republican party lose their path?


I have seen a lot of very shameful behavior the last couple weeks from the Republicans in the House and the Senate. They seem to have forgotten we are a country of laws and we have a constitution that helps us move along the right path to keep our democracy.

As of late the Republicans seem to be backing Trump in all his anti-constitutional oversight being done by the Democrats. Just because the Republicans did a very poor investigation and closed it before they ever really looked doesn’t mean that when the Democrats took over the House they weren’t going to make sure the investigation was done correctly.

I know a lot of people say, “Oh, it is overreach they didn’t get what they wanted so they are looking for anything.”

Not true. The Mueller report showed there was blatant Russian interference in our election on behalf of Trump. It also gave a great road map to the obstruction to the investigation from Trump all of this is against the law any ordinary person would be in jail.

Trump should be in jail but there is a rule that keeps this from happening.

Trump wants to be re-elected; bad idea if he is. You can almost bet he will continue his road to being King Trump. This is his ultimate goal. He has done so many things that Putin has dreamed about, like leaving the Paris accord; why?

It is a set of goals you set on yourself. The Iranian nuclear treaty was better than none, which is what we have now, and, oh look, Bolton has a free shot at them he has been itching for years to have.

With NAFTA, at least we had a trade of some sort that kept our farmers going; now they are losing their farms. They have stopped milking. Trump said tariff wars are easy … mmhhmm … and where are we now? His tax program has put us in debt till my grandkids have grandkids, and our environment Trump cares nothing about.

Where are the Republicans that use to care about the debt and the people and fair trade? There is legislation at the Crypt Keepers desk, but he will not put it on the Senate floor for a vote; it’s bipartisan issues that would help the people.

Trump also has his Justice Department.

Trying to get the health care bill tossed out as illegal, and they have nothing to replace it with. What are the thousands of people who lose their health insurance going to do?

Pre-existing conditions no longer covered? Do we just lay down and die?

When you go to the poll this next cycle, think before you vote who has your best interest in mind, what are your first concerns when it comes to life? Then don’t just vote because it is your party; they are not always the answer.

Lois Redford
