Letter: Why are so many willing to trade freedom for socialism?


In the USA, our constitutional republic guarantees each individual citizen more rights and freedom than those in any other country on earth.

So why are so many people working so hard to destroy this by sending us into the hell that is socialism?

Why are there so many people in the USA who want to throw away that which the Constitution guarantees to each of us?

We elected a man who for eight years constantly denigrated our way of life and is proving to have presided over an enormously corrupt administration.

We almost elected president a person who openly committed crimes while in public office and who actively worked against U.S. interests in the pursuit of money and personal power.

We are very close to possibly electing the head of a crime family who is on the record boasting of his use of $1 billion of U.S. tax dollars to blackmail a foreign nation into stopping an investigation in to the corrupt company who hired his son.

All three of these individuals publicly state their disdain for our Constitution and proclaim their desire to move the USA towards socialism.

The news and social media are promoting these people and their programs while censoring dissenting voices.

Why? I do not understand why so many people are so willing to throw away freedom and willingly clamp on the violent and repressive chains of socialism.

The 20th century is absolutely awash in the blood of the over 100 million people murdered by their own Socialist governments.

Have we learned nothing from this?

The ongoing looting and violence happening in our cities is precisely what happens when politicians become unfettered from the law and chooses to rule according to their own personal whim.

Their action is the very definition of socialism.

When elected leaders ignore the law and use the awesome power of government and mob violence against their own citizens, this is socialism.

Elections are not personality contests but are referendums on the future of the liberties that are possible only by adhering to our Constitution and through the rule of law.

If we allow our elections to be turned into popularity contests rather than a deliberative process that selects individuals who will best protect our liberties, we will all wake up in chains.

Ed Meyer

Oak Harbor