Letter writers express range of bizarre, offensive viewpoints


There are typically many interesting letters to the editor which I have enjoyed reading. But the June 17 edition had the most bizarre and offensive letters that I have ever seen.

One person claimed that the Black Lives Matter protesters were shipped in from Seattle.

As the editor pointed out, this was simply false.

A second letter writer suggested that protesters should include a sign saying that “No counterfeit $20 bills,” because being in possession of one was the offense that led to George Lloyd’s death.

This is offensive and truly absurd.

George Floyd was killed by a police officer who is charged with murder.

A third letter claimed that the United States alone opposed slavery, and that there is not a problem with fascism in this country, as if white nationalists do not exist and have not shown up at demonstrations endangering people’s lives.

And, no, Antifa is not running the demonstrations against police brutality cross the country.

All the writers state they are from Coupeville.

Has someone added a toxic substance to the city’s water supply that has affected some people’s capacity for engaging in rational and moral thinking, let alone their willingness to do a bit of research before making indefensible accusations?

I am certainly not anti-police, but when unarmed black citizens are killed by the police on a regular basis, there is obviously a very serious problem that threatens the well-being and integrity of our entire country and that needs to be addressed most urgently.

Steen Halling
