They are your neighbors, your friends.
They look like they couldn’t hurt a fly, but behind the innocent facades of the small-town business owner, politician, real estate agent and, yes, even a former judge, hide some serious criminal minds.
They are your neighbors, your friends.
They look like they couldn’t hurt a fly, but behind the innocent facades of the small-town business owner, politician, real estate agent and, yes, even a former judge, hide some serious criminal minds.
Let them eat organic cake.
The chime that rings in the 25th birthday of South Whidbey Tilth this morning at 10 a.m. will signify sustenance, and you can bet their cake will taste good.
Quinn Ianniciello has filled his life with helping others, often stepping in when others have stepped out.
And this month’s Hometown Hero sees no reason to stop now.
There is a weather god and his name is “Huey.”
According to Australian Maori culture, Huey will protect your plans for Mother’s Day.
At least, that’s what the hardworking caretakers of Greenbank’s Meerkerk Gardens have said, as Huey has given them countless Mom’s Days of perfect weather.
Hometown Hero Jeanne Lepisto got a glimpse of greatness early in life, and it has guided her heart and spirit ever since.
“Our family spent a lot of time with my cousin Ronnie, a wonderfully loving boy with Down syndrome. He was always a bringer of love and life and laughter.
Margaret Scehovic says she was awed seeing her mother be the hands and feet for her father, stricken with Lou Gehrig’s disease.
“My dad lived for 10 years with the debilitating disease, and yet was able to retain his position at work for most of that time because of one reason — my mother,” Scehovic recalls.
Walking into creative art therapist Lisa Fladager’s Langley home studio is like entering a sanctuary with toys.
There are two low tables on either side of two cozy, overstuffed chairs where she welcomes clients.
Wilma O’Nan lay in a mainland hospital bed propped up by pillows unable to move due to a stroke, yet her heart and mind’s real essence breathes vibrancy into her immobile body.
When she was told by friend Linda Good of Island Strings that O’Nan was to be featured as a Hometown Hero, O’Nan was in her Brookhaven Langley apartment, feeling just fine on her way out the door to volunteer at the Methodist Church.
The greatest calling is to love one another, believe Karl Olsen and Deb Lund. Their goal in life is to treat all with love.
This talented couple has all the earthly talents of being respected teachers, admired publishers and recognized musicians and writers. Lund has published several children’s books; Olsen has cut CDs.
Yet for those who know this couple, what stands out most is their conviction to love others.
Like many young girls, Rohanna and Terra Wildon love horses. Just like fellow islander Adrianna Royal loves alpacas. But what makes these girls different is their “bull-by-the-horns” attitude of starting a business to pay for their passions.
Are you someone who is thrilled by the prospect of seeing whales and wants to know more about the amazing finned friends that frequent the waters near our shorelines? Then the Ways of the Whales Workshop is for you.