The meaning, power of change | RELIGION NOTES

Unity of Whidbey will hold service at 10 a.m. Sunday, June 29, at 5671 Crawford Road. The title of the morning’s discussion is “A New Beginning Dawns.” Rev. Christina Lee returns to explore the spiritual meaning and power of change in peoples’ lives. As summer begins, as school ends, as important rites of passage unfold, people can deeply embrace the spiritual meaning of it all.

Unity of Whidbey will hold service at 10 a.m. Sunday, June 29, at 5671 Crawford Road.

The title of the morning’s discussion is “A New Beginning Dawns.” Rev. Christina Lee returns to explore the spiritual meaning and power of change in peoples’ lives. As summer begins, as school ends, as important rites of passage unfold, people can deeply embrace the spiritual meaning of it all.

Eric Butterworth said, “God is the ceaseless longing of the Spirit in you to completely fulfill in the outer, the potential within you. God is seeking to express itself as you – as radiant health, as an all sufficiency of supply, as freedom from limitation of any kind.”

For details, visit www.unityofwhidbey