Maxwelton button winner announced

The Maxwelton 2019 Button Winner has been announced as 11-year-old Abigail Knott.

She is very excited about winning the button contest, according to the Maxwelton Community Club.

Knott has participated in the parade for several years and more recently has helped in the food booth as well as with the selling of buttons.

Knott will be entering the sixth grade next year at Poulsbo Middle school.

Her favorite subjects at school are STEM and art. She enjoys soccer and is on the swim team.

Knott is the grandneice of Dave and BJ Hoogerwerf of Maxwelton.

“Congratulations, Abigail on winning this year’s button contest,” the Maxwelton Community Club said in a statement.

The Maxwelton Community Club said it thanks everyone who participated in the annual button contest.