The all-island high school art show, Showcase of the Arts, sponsored by the American Association of University Women’s Whidbey Island Branch, was held May 3 and 4 at the Coupeville Library.
Judges were Kent Sanders, Eileen Clark and Nancy Sanders. Approximately 60 art works were entered by students from Coupeville, Oak Harbor and South Whidbey high schools. Small educational stipends were awarded for first ($100), second ($75) and third ($50) place in four categories, as follows:
Wall art: first — Angela Morse, Oak Harbor High School; second — Destiny Acosta, Oak Harbor High School; third — Aaron Curfman, South Whidbey High School; honorable mention, Keiko Betcher, Oak Harbor High School.
Photography: first — Carly Pate, South Whidbey High School; second — Hannah Calderwood, South Whidbey High School; third — Emily Dickerhoof, Oak Harbor High School; honorable mention — Hannah Calderwood, South Whidbey High School.
Sculpture/ceramics: first — Paige Farmer, South Whidbey High School; second — Ian Kolste, Oak Harbor High School; third — Cameron Coupe, South Whidbey High School; honorable mention — Matthew Cross, Oak Harbor High School.
Jewelry: first — Cameron Bailey, Oak Harbor High School; second — Nicole Jhanson, South Whidbey High School; third — Sarah Swanberg, South Whidbey High School; honorable mention — Amanda Frankowiak, Oak Harbor High School.
The Shutterbug Award, a special award in photography, was given to the first place winner, Carly Pate, in honor of the father of AAUW member, Nancy Hodges.