Special to The Record
Two cheers for the Coupeville Lions Club Students of the Quarter.
Both Pamela Morrell and Makenna Jonker-Chambers are key members of the Coupeville High School spirit squad, while also being top-notch students and community members.
The Lions Club honors two Wolf seniors each academic quarter, before picking its Students of the Year at graduation time.
Morrell and Jonker-Chambers, honored Jan. 13, are being tabbed for their efforts during the second academic quarter of the school year.
CHS staff and teachers vote on the awards, with students honored for “community service, effort, character, social relationships, scholarship, and sportsmanship.”
Along with her work as a cheerleader, Jonker-Chambers is on the Executive Board, a member of the National Honor Society, and a participant in the school’s Captain’s Club.
The daughter of Amy Jonker and Donald Chambers pulls down a 3.8 GPA, with her favorite classes including math, biology, and health careers.
Jonker-Chambers, who volunteers as a tutor and with a Vacation Bible School program, plans to attend a four-year university, followed by medical school, with a focus on radiology.
Pamela Morrell, daughter of Jennifer and Frank Morell, is a busy bee, devoting time to the Leo’s Club while also participating in numerous parades.
She works at Kapaw’s Ice Cream and Apple Orchard Daycare.
Carrying a GPA of 3.88, she enjoys her English and sports medicine classes, while balancing cheer, theater, the Captain’s Club, the Sports Medicine Club and Skills USA.
A member of the National Honor Society, Morrell plans to attend Whatcom Community College, with plans to later transfer to Western Washington University.