Letter: Immigrants illegally in U.S. should pay a price


The article about islanders protesting detention centers in the July 17 edition of the South Whidbey Record got my attention, but not my support. I agree with their right to protest, but I disagree with their subject.

My wife is foreign-born and followed the rules upon entry into the United States. She worked and paid all the taxes that applied. She studied the Constitution and, when the time came, she applied for citizenship. Then one day in Klamath Falls, Ore., she stood before a judge and in English, she took her oath. She walked into that courthouse a foreigner and walked out an American citizen.

Over the years I have had many working associates and friends, about 40, who were foreign-born or their spouse was foreign-born. Sometimes both were foreign-born. They came from all areas of the globe except South America.

I have had two co-workers whose spouse did not want to come to the U.S, so they have up and joined her in her country. Not all of these spouses became American citizens but they entered the U.S the legal way and were good law-abiding residents.

My son’s godfather was Polish, his godmother was Norwegian. My daughter’s godfather was Mexican and her godmother was German.

I am native-born American but my family tree looks like a roll call of the United Nations. They all came here according to the rules of the day, except for one grandfather who was Cherokee. I do not like a lifetime of paying into Social Security, Medicare and other programs and not being able to collect the full benefits because assets in those programs are being withdrawn to support illegal immigrants and other Pork Barrel projects.

I think the article in the paper is loaded with a lot of propaganda. It tells about the “numbers” of turnouts. But as the photo shows, it is loaded with small kids. Kids at that age are not aware of the immigration problem and are there only because mom and dad are doing something and we get to be in on it.

So to you adults, I say bring in all the illegals you want to support, but stay out of my assets — Social Security, Medicare. If I must obey the laws then all should obey. No exceptions.

The article quotes the phrase, “Families don’t belong in jail.” I agree. It costs a lot to care for the whole family. So have the whole family go back home and start their entry into the U.S. the legal way.

My wife and ancestors followed the rules and it all worked out OK.

Dawna Nolan is quoted as saying their goal is to “end the camps.” Simple, follow the rules. Once I was running late for a dinner date and my vehicle was going over 51 mph in a 50 mph zone. The highway patrol thought I should make a donation to the state. I did as he suggested. I violated the rules and paid for my action.

Illegal immigrants should also be accountable for the violations and pay the price.

Robert Brown
