Letter: Texas governor treated migrants poorly


Here we go again, another shameful stunt by Republicans, this time by Greg Abbott “Governor” of Texas who thought it was a good idea to bus migrants from Texas to Washington D.C. on Christmas Eve! There were men, women, small children and babies with no food or winter clothes to handle the 18 degree winter weather.

How inhuman can these Republicans get? The migrants are fleeing for their lives. Has he no comprehension of why these people are coming here or is he just stupid and cruel? He has no business being governor if he views people like this and treats them so badly.

Luckily there were caring people in DC who were aware of Abbott’s tactics and met the bus, took the migrants to churches where they were fed, given winter clothes and a place to sleep before helping them on their way to meet up with family members around the country. This is the way they should be treated with dignity and care. The trek to get to the border is grueling enough without the political games of the Republicans! God bless people who care and help!!!

Nancy Mayer
