Thank you for printing Michael Seraphinoff’s Sound Off piece, “Military spending is for defense, not ‘golden egg’,” in the Jan. 17 Whidbey News-Times. His long article allows for his professional and personal take on the the historical authoritarian governments in Europe and the threat of similar autocracies today. The reality of his experience grounds his opinions and deep concerns, and we would all do well to heed his warning.
And his equally important critique of the imbalance of Pentagon spending and domestic needs provided a balanced analysis of his support for a defense force while also questioning the cost to our nation of investing so heavily in a largely unaccountable military budget that cannot be audited.
In the midst of so much impassioned political rhetoricMichael modestly presents a thoughtful and wise perspective on two of the most pressing, often overlooked, issues needing public discussion and engagement. Thanks for initiating this conversation.
Tom Ewell