To the editor:
I was pleased to see an article on the recent alcohol/drug prevention program at South Whidbey High School on the front page of The Record. Kudos to everyone who was involved with this for being so proactive and doing such an outstanding job, and to The Record for giving it the prominence it so deserved. It’s good to read about good things in our communities, especially when they involve our youth.
I would like your readers to know that the Impaired Driving Impact Panel of Island County participated as part of the assembly as well as in a special safety event in the cafeteria afterwards.
IDIPIC segment opened with a powerpoint presentation that shared these startling facts:
Teenagers are the largest source of transplant organs in the United States.
That’s because more teens die suddenly in accidents than any other population group.
Most of those accidents were traffic crashes caused by teens with about one third driving under the influence (usually alcohol). (SOURCE: /
Afterwards, IDIPIC teamed up with WSP during our annual pre-prom safety event called “Choose To Be BuzzFree.”
Besides a large safe prom pledge banner for seniors to sign, many students lined up to do mock field sobriety tests with the patrol officer, such as the “walk-the-line,” with the Fatal Vision impairment goggles. Each student received a “Choices 4 Life” wristband. Because that’s what it’s all about: safe choices.
Thank you to Trooper Dave Martin who also answered lots of questions from students that day, to Ann Johnson for inviting IDIPIC to participate and to our South Whidbey Partners in Prevention who help make this and other prevention work we do on South Whidbey possible: Porter Whidbey Insurance, Soroptimist International of South Whidbey, South Whidbey Assembly of God, Trinity Lutheran Church and Whidbey Telecom.
JoAnn Hellmann
Executive director