Letter: Vote against radicalized GOP candidates


The radicalization of the Republican Party and its threat to our democracy is the No. 1 reason to vote in November (a sad fact when Washington has produced so many far-sighted and outstanding Republican leaders in the past). Let us elaborate.

On Friday, June 24, 2022, in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court imposed its personal religious ideology on our nation, overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion. That ruling created a national tsunami of women registering to vote in the next election. Kansan voters were the first to uphold a woman’s right to choose in their primary. Thank you Kansas. Which state will step up to be next?

The Republican Party has unleashed an assault on women’s autonomy over their own bodies, an apparent prelude to attacks on the right to same-sex marriage and intimacy, as well as contraception. Controlling everyone’s behavior is their ultimate goal. It’s starting with women, but will expand to threaten everyone unless stopped. Vote for legislators that believe in each person’s autonomy over his or her own body.

Wouldn’t a better goal for our legislators be to address climate change? We are in a catastrophic climate crisis. Our environment is screaming at us through heat waves, wildfires, hurricanes and flooding. Vote for candidates that recognize and are willing to address climate change. Other useful steps include:

Improve travel: Use mass transit, get an electric car, bike or walk.

Buy locally: Buying locally cuts down on emissions from trucks used to ship produce while supporting local jobs and income.

Create more green spaces: The worst heat waves are largely in urban areas. Plant a tree and reforest the Earth to absorb carbon from our atmosphere.

Conserve energy: Switch off anything you aren’t using. Turn down the thermostat and turn off lights when not in use.

Most crucially, register and vote. Encourage the over 4 million 18 year olds who become eligible each year to register and vote. For ourselves, our children and grandchildren, our communities, and our nation it is time to step up.

Online and mail-in registration must-be-received-by deadline is Oct. 31. The in-person registration deadline is Tuesday Nov 8.

Peggy and John Kimbell
