Letter: St. Clair makes decisions based on science, facts


I serve on the Board of Island Transit with Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair. Island Transit commissioners meet monthly to craft policy that guides Island Transit’s daily operations. So I have seen Commissioner St. Clair’s work on a host of transit related issues for the past three years. Unfailingly, she knowledgably participates in the policy discussions guided by her experience from past work in the nonprofit sector and her concern for the welfare of Island County residents. That welfare concern has been put on display at every meeting of the past three years as Island Transit has successfully navigated through the coronavirus pandemic. She makes it clear she is guided by the science and the data in her decision-making as an Island Transit Board member, and indeed as an Island County commissioner, which likely explains why Island County has one of the lowest per capita death rates from coronavirus in all of Washington State.

Addressing Climate change, Janet strongly supports Island Transit’s initiative to transition to renewable energy sources and away from fossil fuels. She recently voted to purchase several buses and vanpool vehicles that are 100% powered by electricity. She supported the installation of solar panels at the Coupeville operating base as well as the Camano facility.

And speaking of Camano Island, I witness her tireless efforts on behalf of Camano Island residents at every Island Transit meeting.

Please cast your vote to reelect Janet St. Clair.

Craig Cyr

Langley Councilmember