It takes a village to care for an old man


Most of us have heard the words, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Today I have a new group of words, “It takes a village to care for an old man.”

This past Saturday I passed out and fell down some stairs at Prima Bistro in Langley. I regained consciousness amongst broken glass and lots of blood. But, I was also among many people who were giving me aid. There was a physician cleaning and assessing my wound while she spoke words of comfort. The Prima staff was great with their “directing” customer traffic in the stairwell and helping my wife during this stressful time. South Whidbey Fire District’s first responders arrived to further examine and stabilize, and WhidbeyHealth’s paramedics assessed and moved me down the remaining staircase and into the ambulance. They started an IV and took my vitals while transporting me. The crew at the Clinton Ferry terminal saved a place for my wife to drive on the same sailing as the ambulance.

I thank all of you. And although I could have been just fine skipping this experience, it brought to mind just how fortunate I am to live on South Whidbey.

