The teenage driver in an April 24, 2024 car crash that killed a Coupeville student was charged.
When Helen Erickson spotted a beaver swimming in her pond, she rejoiced in the rodent’s presence.
A judge in Island County Superior Court is set to hear arguments in the motions for summary judgment
A woman is accused of pretending to be a dead woman to steal $240,000 in surplus foreclosure funds.
Repairs to runways 7/25 at Ault Field on NASWI are scheduled from early March until November 2025.
WhidbeyHealth has access to an extra $10M in credit, but hospital leaders don’t plan to use the funds
Several WA school districts proposed to exclude trans athletes from participating in girls sports.
While South Whidbey residents struggle to find a home on limited income, there’s hope in Langley.
Part of an aging recreational dock at Possession Beach Waterfront Park is due for a replacement.
Another former Republican Party official is charged following her refusal to abide by a mask mandate