Letter: Langley Soup Box Derby embodies wacky local spirit


The 2019 Langley Soup Box Derby was a great success. Without Choochokam, this community event is one of the few left that truly embodies the freedom, creativity and general wackiness of days gone by in Langley.

Racers and costumes this year were, as usual, over the top. Both spectators and participants truly enjoyed the event. Speed is not necessarily king and safety is paramount.

Everyone involved truly walks away a winner.

Many thanks are in order, specifically to the Langley Community Club and the Langley Main Street Association for presenting this event. The Langley Men’s Club supplies many of the volunteers from announcers to straw bale monitors. The event has dozens of local business sponsors and their financial support returns to the community through grants from the Langley Community Club. The new playground equipment at Generation Park was partially funded through Soup Box proceeds.

Thanks once again to all and think about volunteering next year to keep this event going strong.

John Lawson,

Langley Community Club secretary