Letter: Seeking financial support for the SW School District


The school funding shortfalls in our district have been much in the news recently.

Despite budget restraints, teachers and staff continue to do amazing work with our children every day.

Unfortunately, the gaps in the budget will detract from the education and experiences of our children if we do not step in as a community. To that end, South Whidbey Elementary PTA and South Whidbey Schools Foundation are partnering to raise supplemental funds for the 2019-20 school year.

All across the state and country, communities have rallied behind their children by raising private funding for critical school programs and educational opportunities that are not funded – or are only partially funded – through the budget.

In many surrounding communities, PTAs and community groups raise as much as $300 per child annually to fund programs such as enrichment specialists, school counselors, literacy programs, school clubs, facilities improvements, specialized curriculum and more. SWEPTA recently met with Susie Richards, the 2019-20 incoming principal, to identify a list of key programs and urgent needs that can be addressed through community support.

This “wish list,” generated in conjunction with our K-6 teachers, includes critical funding for music program, volunteer coordinator, professional development, curriculum fund, school farm program, environmental/adventure education programs, special assemblies and productions and lunch-time clubs/activities.

Our goal is to raise $75,000 before the end of June. This number averages just $125 per child.

A dedicated group of parents, grandparents, former teachers, school board members and current school administrators have already pledged a $10,000 match.

With your help we can reach our goal. An investment in our schools is an investment in the future of our youth and our community.

To learn more and make your donation, visit www.swsfoundation.org and select the “Growing Our Potential SWE K-6” logo on the main page.

Sara Kelly and Katie Shapiro,

in partnership with

South Whidbey Elementary PTA and

South Whidbey Schools Foundation