Hearts & Hammers of South Whidbey set to serve spaghetti

It’s spaghetti dinner time again.

Hearts &Hammers of South Whidbey volunteers know what that means, as the organization serves its signature noodle dinner every year to raise funds for its annual work day which takes place in May. The 2017 spaghetti dinner 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, at Langley United Methodist Church (3rd and Anthes).

“Everyone is welcome to join neighbors for a delicious dinner (with carnivorous, vegetarian and vegan options!),” the organization announced in a press release.

Dinner is $5 and all proceeds go to support the non-profit Hearts and Hammers. Participants will also have a chance to sign up for the 2017 workday. It’s always held the first Saturday in May.

Hearts &Hammers is hoping to help 30-plus homeowners on the 2017 Workday with simple health and safety repairs, the release said. A typical one-day volunteer effort includes projects such as roof or gutter repairs, wheelchair ramps, yard clean-up, plumbing repairs, electrical and deck repairs.

Homeowners with limited resources who want to be considered for projects at their home can apply online at www.heartsandhammers.com. The application deadline was recently extended to Friday, Feb. 10, the same night as the dinner.